
切尔西 vs 阿森纳

2024-11-10 16:30( 当地时间) 4848

英格兰 | 伦敦 | 斯坦福桥球场

  • 座位 价格(人民币)
  • Long Side | Single seats only! (not in pairs)
    ¥ 4848
  • Short Side | Single seats only! (not in pairs)
    ¥ 4926
  • Long Side | Up to 4 seats together
    ¥ 5213
  • Short Side | Up to 4 seats together
    ¥ 5213
  • West View Premium | ▪️ Westview Premium Seat, long side location ▪️ Seats in block 1 / 8, West Upper ▪️ New Food & Beverage hall with wide variety of options to purchase ▪️ Large TVs on the concourse ▪️ Opens 2 hours prior to kick off
    ¥ 5320
  • Official Westview Package | ▪️ Westview Premium Seat - super long side location, between halfway and 18-yard line ▪️ Seats in block 5 / 6 West Upper ▪️ Official Chelsea FC match day premium seat product ▪️ Brand new concourse facility ▪️ Match programme &
    ¥ 5789
  • Hospitality package - Captains bar/Managers bar | ▪️ Luxury padded seat in the East Stand middle tier around the goal line/in line with the penalty area ▪️ Casual, occasional seating in stadium lounge ▪️ Opens 2.5 hours prior to kick-off, until 1 hour aft
    ¥ 6097
  • Hospitality package - Captains bar/Managers bar | ▪️ Luxury padded seat in the East Stand middle tier around the goal line/in line with the penalty area ▪️ Casual, occasional seating in stadium lounge ▪️ Opens 2.5 hours prior to kick-off, until 1 hour aft
    ¥ 6999
  • 底线后方
    ¥ 7287
  • Hospitality package - Blues Dining | ▪️ West Stand Long Side Lower tier around the 18-yard line ▪️ Pre-match 3-course buffet-style dining together with complimentary beers, wine, and soft drinks ▪️ Post-match drinks to be served in the 55 Restaurant in th
    ¥ 7326
  • Rose&Ball Offsite Hospitality | ▪️ Hospitality located next to the stadium ▪️ West Lower seating, blocks 1/2/7/8 ▪️ Pre-match three-course hot and cold bowl food ▪️ A complimentary bar including beer, wine and soft drinks ▪️ A visit from former first
    ¥ 7700
  • 边线后方
    ¥ 7911
  • Under The Bridge Lounge | ▪️ Luxury padded seat on the West Stand WU6/WU7 ▪️ Up to 4 seats together ▪️ Complimentary bar (beer, wine, soft drinks) ▪️ Savory refreshments served at full-time ▪️ Interactive chef's table with various food offerings ▪️ Drink
    ¥ 7988
  • Hospitality package - Blues Dining | ▪️ West Stand Long Side Lower tier around the 18-yard line ▪️ Pre-match 3-course buffet-style dining together with complimentary beers, wine, and soft drinks ▪️ Post-match drinks to be served in the 55 Restaurant in th
    ¥ 8151
  • Long Side | Lower Tier
    ¥ 8544
  • Museum Pack (Stamford Bridge) | ▪️ Luxury padded seats in the West Stand Upper Tier ▪️ Welcome refreshments on arrival at the Chelsea Museum ▪️ Buffet-style dining included ▪️ Complimentary bar (beer, wine, soft drinks) ▪️ A Pre-match mini-stadium tour ▪
    ¥ 8602
  • Long Side | Sections (-)
    ¥ 8852
  • 客队球迷区
    ¥ 9831
  • Long Side | Lower Tier | Central
    ¥ 10071
  • Museum Pack (Stamford Bridge) | ▪️ Luxury padded seats in the West Stand Upper Tier ▪️ Welcome refreshments on arrival at the Chelsea Museum ▪️ Buffet-style dining included ▪️ Complimentary bar (beer, wine, soft drinks) ▪️ A Pre-match mini-stadium tour ▪
    ¥ 10110
  • Hospitality package - Canoville Suite (Centenary) | ▪️ Long side Middle tier ▪️ Seats allocated together ▪️ Luxury padded seat ▪️ Savory refreshments served at full-time ▪️ Pre-match 3-course buffet ▪️ Cash bar facilities ▪️ Official Matchday programme
    ¥ 12001

双人票座位 Seating in pairs 如您购买2张门票,非特殊标明,我们所出售门票都将是两个座位“在一起”。

单人票座位 Single Tickets 我们会不定期推出“单人票”,并特别标出“单座”。单人票票价通常会低于双人票单价。如选择买两张单人票,则你和朋友不会坐在一起。

多人座位 若您购买3张或者3张以上,我们无法保证您们可以坐在一起,但会尽量安排离得近。 ​

主客场部分 除非另有说明,所有的门票都是主场球队球迷区域。

边线/底线 边线是位于球场相对较长的两边后方的座位;底线是位于球场相对较短的两边后方的座位即两个球门后方。



斯坦福桥球场由阿奇巴尔德·利思设计,为英超球队切尔西的主场。球场于1877 年建成而切尔西在1905 开始使用这个球场,也是全伦敦第三大的球场,现时可容纳观众41663 人。而场馆亦设有四个看台,包括东看台(East Stand),西看台(West Stand) ,马修哈丁看台(Matthew Harding),与及谢赫特德看台(Shed Stand)。



最近的地铁站是District Line的Fulham Broadway。坐地铁到Earls Court,然后转乘温布尔登方向的地铁。球场附近有两个地铁站,最近的是西布洛普顿。第二个站是Imperial Wharf站,距离体育场大约15分钟。



周一至周五可以坐船。最靠近斯坦福桥的码头是Chelsea Harbour。在这一站停靠的船是从Putney码头到Blackfriars码头。最晚到Chelsea Harbour的东行的船大约是在下午6点20分,最晚抵达的西行的船大约是在下午7点35分。













  • 1、电子票要打印多大的呢,需要彩印吗?

  • 2、球票上面的票面价格才五十多欧,为什么实际售价却高出几倍这么多?

  • 3、寄到酒店的球票是什么时候送到?

  • 4、我是比赛当天才到,请问球票怎么给我?

  • 5、如何预防收不到球票的情况?

    您好,首先烦请您提供准确和完整入住酒店名称、地址、入住时间和退房时间、酒店预订人名字;其次建议您提前给酒店发邮件确认酒店是否可以接收快递;第三:不建议使用民宿和私人住址接收 第四:如果考虑到您提供的民宿或私人住址不安全不方便接收时,会考虑采取比赛当天取票,详细取票信息世界观体育客服会跟您保持联系,直到您取到票为止!



  • 6、购票有服务费手续费吗?

  • 7.关于会员卡/季票卡?

    本场比赛门票为实体票,将在比赛前一晚送至酒店,您需要凭护照等身份证明在酒店前台取票。 #:英超球票除部分包厢套餐球票外大部分为会员卡/季票卡

    一、会员卡/季票卡的使用 会员卡/季票卡是从可靠的二级市场购买。但在英超赛场存在被没收的风险。这是英超俱乐部根据他们反暴力政策来试图控制这些球票转让给第三方。因此,如果一个球场的工作人员向您盘问(这很少发生),最好的方法是礼貌地解释说,您的门票是一个英国的亲戚或者朋友送给您的,您不远万里飞到英国就是为了来看这场比赛。 如果您遇到任何问题或者疑虑,建议您最好不要询问球场工作人员。建议最好是提前了解自己的座位位置和球场的入口通道。如果您遇到问题需要咨询,请随时与我们联系。

    二、进入球场 如果您预订了两张以上的门票,请务必两人一起或一个人依次进入球场。进入球场最好只是携带证件、钱物等随身物品,最好不要带双肩包以便顺利通过球场安检。

    三、英超观赛的细则 您购买的门票的位置在球场的主队区域。因此,请遵守俱乐部的行为准则,你最好不要为客场球队加油或穿客队的队服。如果不支持主队,建议穿中立普通服装。不遵守这些规则可能被认为是一种挑衅,你可能会被逐出球场。

    四、会员卡/季票卡的归还说明 您的门票可能是塑料卡的形式,必须在比赛后归还。请考虑到这一点,并在赛后做好归还的安排。在您收到球票的信封里附有归还塑料卡的具体细节,通常只需要将塑料卡放回已经写好了邮寄地址的信封里寄出,邮费已经提前预付,不需要再付邮费。如果没有邮寄的信息,将会员卡装好放回酒店前台即可。

  • 客服热线: 4009-011-201

  • 查看更多问题
  • 请选择座位 价格(人民币)
  • Long Side | Single seats only! (not in pairs)
    ¥ 4848
  • Short Side | Single seats only! (not in pairs)
    ¥ 4926
  • Long Side | Up to 4 seats together
    ¥ 5213
  • Short Side | Up to 4 seats together
    ¥ 5213
  • West View Premium | ▪️ Westview Premium Seat, long side location ▪️ Seats in block 1 / 8, West Upper ▪️ New Food & Beverage hall with wide variety of options to purchase ▪️ Large TVs on the concourse ▪️ Opens 2 hours prior to kick off
    ¥ 5320
  • Official Westview Package | ▪️ Westview Premium Seat - super long side location, between halfway and 18-yard line ▪️ Seats in block 5 / 6 West Upper ▪️ Official Chelsea FC match day premium seat product ▪️ Brand new concourse facility ▪️ Match programme &
    ¥ 5789
  • Hospitality package - Captains bar/Managers bar | ▪️ Luxury padded seat in the East Stand middle tier around the goal line/in line with the penalty area ▪️ Casual, occasional seating in stadium lounge ▪️ Opens 2.5 hours prior to kick-off, until 1 hour aft
    ¥ 6097
  • Hospitality package - Captains bar/Managers bar | ▪️ Luxury padded seat in the East Stand middle tier around the goal line/in line with the penalty area ▪️ Casual, occasional seating in stadium lounge ▪️ Opens 2.5 hours prior to kick-off, until 1 hour aft
    ¥ 6999
  • 底线后方
    ¥ 7287
  • Hospitality package - Blues Dining | ▪️ West Stand Long Side Lower tier around the 18-yard line ▪️ Pre-match 3-course buffet-style dining together with complimentary beers, wine, and soft drinks ▪️ Post-match drinks to be served in the 55 Restaurant in th
    ¥ 7326
  • Rose&Ball Offsite Hospitality | ▪️ Hospitality located next to the stadium ▪️ West Lower seating, blocks 1/2/7/8 ▪️ Pre-match three-course hot and cold bowl food ▪️ A complimentary bar including beer, wine and soft drinks ▪️ A visit from former first
    ¥ 7700
  • 边线后方
    ¥ 7911
  • Under The Bridge Lounge | ▪️ Luxury padded seat on the West Stand WU6/WU7 ▪️ Up to 4 seats together ▪️ Complimentary bar (beer, wine, soft drinks) ▪️ Savory refreshments served at full-time ▪️ Interactive chef's table with various food offerings ▪️ Drink
    ¥ 7988
  • Hospitality package - Blues Dining | ▪️ West Stand Long Side Lower tier around the 18-yard line ▪️ Pre-match 3-course buffet-style dining together with complimentary beers, wine, and soft drinks ▪️ Post-match drinks to be served in the 55 Restaurant in th
    ¥ 8151
  • Long Side | Lower Tier
    ¥ 8544
  • Museum Pack (Stamford Bridge) | ▪️ Luxury padded seats in the West Stand Upper Tier ▪️ Welcome refreshments on arrival at the Chelsea Museum ▪️ Buffet-style dining included ▪️ Complimentary bar (beer, wine, soft drinks) ▪️ A Pre-match mini-stadium tour ▪
    ¥ 8602
  • Long Side | Sections (-)
    ¥ 8852
  • 客队球迷区
    ¥ 9831
  • Long Side | Lower Tier | Central
    ¥ 10071
  • Museum Pack (Stamford Bridge) | ▪️ Luxury padded seats in the West Stand Upper Tier ▪️ Welcome refreshments on arrival at the Chelsea Museum ▪️ Buffet-style dining included ▪️ Complimentary bar (beer, wine, soft drinks) ▪️ A Pre-match mini-stadium tour ▪
    ¥ 10110
  • Hospitality package - Canoville Suite (Centenary) | ▪️ Long side Middle tier ▪️ Seats allocated together ▪️ Luxury padded seat ▪️ Savory refreshments served at full-time ▪️ Pre-match 3-course buffet ▪️ Cash bar facilities ▪️ Official Matchday programme
    ¥ 12001